Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Week

I had never heard of Kathy Griffin when we went Tuesday night to usher for her at The Kravis. She obviously has a lot of fans since, to my surprise, the show was sold out. She spoke for two hours without a pause with raunchy language that would make a sailor blush. With my more genteel nature, I was at first uncomfortable, but after I became desensitized, I really enjoyed her and even laughed a few times. She won me over because of her strongly liberal positions.

This afternoon our frugal dining out group was hosted by Billy Henin. I think everyone enjoyed getting together with takeout from China Wok. Freda will be hosting the April meeting.

Our week has been occupied with medical issues. Jane finished her MRI brain scan just in time for the above noted frugal dining. Friday she had to go to urgent care and then to Good Sam's emergency room for her blood pressure, headache, and vision loss. Fortunately, they released her and sent her to an ophthalmologist that night.  Monday, she went to Bascom Palmer and then again Tuesday when she finally got the care she needed. It seems to be acute angle glaucoma. I've been suffering with vertigo for over a week. My treatment in the "flying chair" last Wednesday didn't fix me so I have to go back next week.

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