Friday, August 5, 2011

Delightful to a Fault

On the shore of the largest lake in the world, the one hundred-and-fourteen-year-old Two Harbors City Band presents weekly concerts in the park. With a small-town charm reminiscent of Grandma Moses primitives, I found myself transported back to a simple, safer time when neighbors adored the unpolished performance of their neighbors. I sensed that band members of all ages were welcomed with little regard to their instrument or performance level. When even a C major scale of slow half-notes might seem a bit ragged, they tackled challenging music and delighted their friendly neighbors of a-couple-of-hundred seated on their folding chairs on the grass in the soft air of twilight. And even this unforgiving critic found delight in sitting close enough to hear the conductor call out measure numbers to the lost ones. I'll go again.


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