Saturday, January 13, 2018

Inaugural Impeachment March

January 20 from 12 noon to 2:30 PM there willl be an Inaugural Impeachment March to Mar-a-Lago will be from the clock tower in Palm Beach to Mar-a-Lago. This promises to be very, very big with national press coverage.
FINAL ROUTE CONFIRMED: OK FOLKS!!! The Town of Palm Beach and the Palm Beach Police have come to an understanding with our Federal Legal Team, in classifying our March as a "Peaceable Freedom of Assembly," and they are asking us to forego a Parade Permit, not requiring this event to be permitted via any Special Event designation in either nature or status. So we will meet-up and begin Saturday January 20th, at the Clock Tower monument on Worth Avenue, prior to 12:00 Noon to gather placement. Many of us should consider getting there an hour early (or more) to deter Counter-Protesting groups from positioning at the corners and taking up our space, like they did in the last Impeachment March.
PROGRAM: We will provide a program from several speakers on the issues that most concern us. The list of speakers will be published within the next week. After 45 minutes or so, we'll continue onwards towards Mar-a-Lago, via the ocean-side of the boulevard. With the assistance of Palm Beach's finest, most traffic will be diverted away from us, onto S. County Rd, providing designated police "Lead and Clear" motorcycles and cars, as we will march along the paved bicycle-path (we will take great care and pay close attention to safety, and try not to obstruct traffic for any reason). Remember folks; Police Force's primary role is to ensure our safety. The entire length of the march is 1.7 miles (approximately 33 to 40 minutes marching).
TRUMP EFFECT: Should #45 be in town this day, the United States Secret Service will secure a "Residence Perimeter" around Mar-a-Lago, which will stop us on the street via barricade at "Clarendon Ave" (along the Eastern Seaboard), and at the small "Tide Bridge" behind M-a-L (along the Western Perimeter of the property). This would in-effect render ANY travel onto Palm Beach from the Southern Bridge this day, completely impossible. So EVERYONE should plan to get onto Palm Beach via the Okeechobee Blvd / Royal Park Bridge, as will our Motor Coach Busses and Shuttle Vans. This would cut the length of the march down to 1.3 miles (approximately 25 to 30 minutes marching). If he’s not in town this day, the Palm Beach Police will allow us to travel directly to Mar-a-Lago, without obstruction, providing we are peaceful and non-violent in our protest.
PARKING: If traveling on your own steam, please car-pool in mass. You can park in Palm Beach anywhere you can find a space, however along S. Ocean Blvd is $5.00/hour (with a 4 hour limit). Side streets and along S. County Rd. spaces are also available. Our fleet of Ford Transit Shuttle-Vans will make routine pickups along route onto Palm Beach, making up to 12 x Pick-Ups at 3 x Garages along Okeechobee Blvd: A. Philips Point Tower Garage (North-Side Entrance), B. City Place Main Garage, and C. City Place Theatre Garage (with pickup point for both, directly between the two garage's entrances, on Hibiscus St). In addition, we will be making pickups along Southern Blvd, at 2 x Locations: A. Dreher Park North (Entrance, with parking in the park, and across the street curbside in the residential neighborhood, please do not block driveways or fire-hydrants), and B. Publix parking lot. *Note: See GoogleMaps with RED-SQUARES and Path in all photos.
* SAFETY NOTES: Please do not forget to bring lots of personal Water, Hydration Packs, Energy Bars, Medications, etc.; and dress weather-appropriately, with Hats and Umbrellas (PS, Umbrellas make for great Signage / Banners). Weather is unpredictable, and there are no businesses, convenience stores, or restrooms, anywhere in sight (once we start marching).
* VOLUNTEERS: We have, but need more: ACLU Legal Observers, National Lawyers Guild, Peacekeepers, Videographers, and 12 x Ford Transit Van Drivers (no special license required, just valid driver’s license). We are providing an official ACLU Legal Observer Training (January 17th @ Suri Tapas, 6pm - 8:30pm, Cost: $FREE), and an official Peacekeeper Training (January 19th @ Suri Tapas, 6pm - 10:00pm, we have to pay for this special training, so we are asking for a “suggested contribution” of $25.00, a little bit less or a little bit more if you can, but no one will be turned away). Additionally, Food and Drinks will be available onsite @ Suri, for purchase.
* DISCLAIMER: By choosing to attend this event, you are acknowledging the risks involved, and you are committing to participate nonviolently and in accordance with the law, and to work to de-escalate confrontations with opposing persons or others. You agree (i) not to engage in any act of violence or violation of any applicable law and (ii) to obey the orders of authorized event marshals and law enforcement authorities.
* FUN-TIME: And lastly, we will need some UNITED Fun Time following all our hard work. So shortly afterward, we will meet at “CITY PLACE" or E.R. Bradley's on Clematis St, for Refreshments, Libations, and a little R&R Celebration. Clean Up, and get there as quickly as you can. ☺
* PAJAMA-PARTY PROTEST: Can't make it??? We're sorry to hear that :( But here's the catch, we still need you (VIRTUALLY). Many Protestors will be "Live Streaming" this event from their cell-phones, and posting the videos to ALL the participating Group's Social Media pages, online, with the Hashtag: #ImpeachmentMarchMAL. We want you to take those videos, and share them to your MOC's (Members of Congress) Office Emails and Webpages and blow up the Internet. All across this nation, all 50 States. We have "1" Job out there, and it is to "SHOW THE WORLD that one Donald J. Trump HAS NO MANDATE HERE, and we want him and his cronies, and this toxic cantankerous shill of an administration, the hell out of office (if not placed in Guantanamo Bay for life)."
* STAY-TUNED: More Information will be coming almost daily from here out!!! Any more wonderful ideas, let's hear them!!! We're Pumped, and we hope you are too!!!

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