Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Christ Is Risen"

Happy Easter! The stone is rolled away. Everyone's in church, Easter anthem, thrilling special music, arrays of lilies, new duds, colored eggs, chocolate bunnies, ham -- all fond but fading memories for this heathen. After biting the ears off the chocolate bunny, what's left? Eating all the rest -- and remorse.
We enjoyed entertaining Bill Morgan and Carla Sheedy for dinner today.
Friday at The Four Arts we attended the movie Lemon Tree filmed mostly in Palestine and Israel in Arabic and Hebrew languages with English subtitles. Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territory. The Israeli defense minister and his wife move next door; the Secret Service orders the trees removed for security. This is an important film I recommend. I always have trouble with subtitles when there is such dense dialog but it's still worth it.

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