Saturday, April 10, 2010

This 'N That

Pat Barnes told us about the Ford Model A Museum located at the old Twin City Mall. We went to see it and were delightfully surprised. There are fifty restored Model A cars and trucks. Admission is free. To find it, drive in the Publix parking lot then to the east to the old Twin City Mall. Look for the small green awning with the lettering Model A Museum. They aren't open every day so it might be best to phone 478-8655 and ask for Dennis.
Tuesday, we saw the documentary movie, The Art of the Steal, about the controversy surrounding the relocation of the Barnes Collection in Philadelphia. We liked it a lot and were glad to be introduced to the new Mosart Theatre on Park Avenue in Lake Park.
Friday afternoon we ushered at the Eissey Theater for Church Basement Ladies. Then, in the evening we ushered at the Kravis for guitarist Peppino D'Agostino who gave a most impressive performance.

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